domingo, abril 17, 2005

Nubes De Desesperanza (Cielo De Sevilla)


At 10:53 a. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

jo laurita, sevilla es una ciudad preciosa, creo que tienes que sentirte mu contenta de to lo que tienes y de pode viaja a barcelona cuando quieres, aunque si realmente te gusta tanto barcelona, adelante tu puedes hacer todo lo que desees, te echo de menos guapa

At 11:18 a. m., Blogger VB said...

Hi! My name is Matt, and I love your BlogSpot! I am curious…May I publish your blog on my spot known as “Best of Da Blogz”. I want to showcase your great work and make sure that your get ALL of the credit for your creativity and genius. I even want to put your website below your post. Therefore, if others would like to learn more about you and see how great you really are…They Can! So would this be possible? Please let me know and I greatly appreciate your time. Best wishes! Ciao!

Da Site:

~Matt :)

Hello, this is Matt again from 'Best of the Blogz'! I have put up your wonderful post and it is ready for the world to enjoy. Why don't you check it out and see if it meets your tastes?! I have left everything as you have, just added a little color to make it stand out on the page. I hope that you enjoy...see you in the future and keep blogging! Ciao!

~Matt :)

Me Gusta su pagina de "WEB"!!

At 2:47 p. m., Blogger Laurópata said...

hola paketem!!! que alegría verte por acá... Po zi que tengo uno escrito, ya te lo daré...jejeje.
así que 1075Km...mmmm da iguá siempre me lleva un poquito más allá... Un beso


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